Moving ESSD forward

7 January 2020

In 2018, Hans Pfeiffenberger and Dave Carlson retired after 10 years of building up ESSD with tremendous dedication and success; 2019 then served as a reorientation phase with the journal managed in the interim by 5 chief editors. Now, by agreement of all parties, we announce our new structure for ESSD.

From the beginning of 2020, Kirsten Elger has assumed overall leadership as chief executive editor of ESSD. Jens Klump and Ge Peng will continue as chief editors. Thomas Blunier and Yasuhiro Murayama will support the journal as topical editors. Dave Carlson will serve as senior chief editor for ESSD, bringing experiences of the past 10 years, helping the journal continue its success, and helping the editorial board meet new challenges.

In addition, ESSD now has a managing editor, responsible for helping the chief executive editor in the daily business of the journal and serving ex officio on the editorial board. The managing editor does not take decisions on manuscripts.

This restructuring should provide better service for the ESSD community of authors, referees, and editors with faster reactions, streamlined evaluations, and prompt responses. As ESSD and Copernicus confront new challenges in data sharing and publication, these changes will also prepare the journal for future growth.

The past years have been very exciting and successful for ESSD! We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all colleagues for their strong efforts and continued support for the idea of data publication.